Categoría: EICC 2024 News

  • Final Day

    Final Day

    EICC 2024 is over and we congratulate our new European Champions, Tinne Gilis (Belgium) and Victor Crouin (France). The final standings are: Women’s Draw: Men’s Draw: Thanks to all the players, to the staff team and to all those who have come and support us and also those who followed in the distance. See you…

  • Semifinals Day

    Semifinals Day

    It is day 3 and we are seeing some very physically tough matches in this event. There is great excitement for today’s four semi-final matches, which will be: First semifinal will start at 5:20pm, we will be waiting to see you there. The matches will be streamed through the RFES YouTube Channel as it has…

  • Opening Ceremony

    Opening Ceremony

    On August 21st at 11.00am took place the Opening Ceremony of the European Individual Closed Championship 2024 in Cuenca, Spain. 25 countries were invited to go on court with their respective flags and also the event director and president of the Spanish Squash Federation, Mr. Pablo Del Río, and the leader of the referees and…

  • Record in participation at EICC 2024

    Record in participation at EICC 2024

    European Individual Closed Championship 2024 is about to start and we can say that we are very happy to have achieved a record in participation, with 51 men and 41 women. The top 8 seeds in the women’s draw are: And the top 8 seeds in the men’s draw are: Entry to the event will…